Silently So

With all the beauty in the world;
With all the love that The Lord has bestowed;
Why do I sit so silently so?

With great friends and family;
With wonderful living reality;
Why do I sit so silently so?

When all my troubles are idle:
When my hunger is easily remedied;
Why do I sit so silently so?

Without real hindrances or inhibitions;
Without incarceration or prejudices;
Why do I sit so silently so?

With a mother’s love and brotherly trust;
With personal sanity and self sincerity;
Why do I sit so silently so?

Maybe without love or happiness;
Maybe at times in the shadowed clouds;
Why do I sit so silently so?

But graced with all around me in awe;
Gifted by God’s love and enthralled;
Why do I sit so silently so?

Living as me in a mistful mirth and mindful spirit;
Giving what I may in a wishful tide of compassion;
Why do I sit so silently so?

Onward and forward I flow;
I will sit no more in shadowed thralls;
Why do I sit so silently so?


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