Around the block

Darkness wept as I walked into the cold wet November NY air. The moon may have been full if it weren't for the clouds clinging to the stars as an old hermit to her shawl. A few tears hit my cheek from aloft as I strode beyond the buildings to the coffee shop. Bright and cheery it would be if it weren't for the lazy student patrons loitering about with only empty cups to keep them company. A hard cup of burnt water would warm my bitter soul I thought as I turned the corner leaving the cafe door closed and cold. Hugging each step, the sidewalk seemed an old friend from a warmer time in a southern land. It did not sneer at my look, did not wince at each step, and didn't wink a fake longing as I turned the corner. Past the third house on the right I thought of the leaves in the right light as I had seen a month past. Throwing both images together in my mind created a brewed image as crisp as a good cabernet. The few leaves remaining on those trees sheltered none of the worries from the darkness as they continued to wave to all passer-bys. I waved to no one. Two more blocks came and went as I climbed my front steps ever so energetically. No mail. No calls. No one. With a brief sigh, my blank paper before me grew and grew swallowing me whole; twisting a fresh realm of pencil and pen into view. Thirteen hours then became a 14 by 17 intriguing thought. Only this time, you can see. And the darkness then gave up a chirp, and a single star can be seen through a gap amidst the clouds.


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