Silver Dagger
A silver dagger
Held aloft
Over a pillow
Quilted soft
Threatening dream
The thought surreal
Bone curdling scream
How do we deal?
A silver ax
The dagger becomes
Held upon high
Troubled apex
To plummet with sigh
Deep through thorax
To death a lie
Deadly relapse.
A silver ball
Swinging side to side
Above the head
In-between and fast
Sickness in bed
Dark black silk
Nothing, instead
Live long guilt.
Held aloft
Over a pillow
Quilted soft
Threatening dream
The thought surreal
Bone curdling scream
How do we deal?
A silver ax
The dagger becomes
Held upon high
Troubled apex
To plummet with sigh
Deep through thorax
To death a lie
Deadly relapse.
A silver ball
Swinging side to side
Above the head
In-between and fast
Sickness in bed
Dark black silk
Nothing, instead
Live long guilt.